Frequently Asked Questions
- Considerate and respectful care in a safe, comfortable environment
- Personal privacy and confidentiality
- Know the names and credentials of health care providers and their role in your care
- Treatment by compassionate, skilled, qualifies health professionals
- Be informed about and participate in your care and treatment plans
- Make informed decisions
- Timely information regarding facility policy that may limit its ability to implement legally valid Advanced Directive
- Refuse treatment as allowed by laws
- Change your provider if another qualified provider is available
- Evaluation, service and/or referral as indicated by the urgency of the case
- To be transferred to another facility when medically necessary with explanation concerning this need, its risks and alternatives, as well as acceptance by the institution of transfer in advance of such transfer
- The right to consent or decline to participate in proposed research studies or human experimentation affecting care or treatment.
- The right to review and obtain copies of your medical records.
- The right to receive treatment in an environment that is sensitive to your beliefs, values and culture.
- The right to be informed about the care you will need after discharge.
- The right to know your physician may have ownership in the center.
- The right to file a verbal and /or written grievance as outlined in the Grievence Policy.
- Give us complete information about your medical history, including any medications you may be taking.
- Tell us what you need. If you do not understand your care plan, ask questions.
- Be part of your care.
- To follow up on your doctor’s instruction, take medication when prescribed, to make follow up appointments as directed, and ask questions concerning your own health care as necessary.
- To fully participate in decisions involving your own health care and to accept the consequences of these decisions if complications occur.
- If you are not satisfied with your care, please tell us how we can improve.
- Be considerate of the rights of other patients, families and facility personnel.
- Give us any insurance information we need to help get your bill paid and fulfill financial obligations to the center.
- The Pre Operative RN will ask the patient if they have an Advance Directive or Living Will and/or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and document the response accordingly. The patient will be instructed to bring a copy of the documents in the event that they may be transferred to the hospital.
- The Pre Operative RN will explain to the patient that the center will not recognize Advance Directives/ Living Will for use in this type of ambulatory, wellness setting including questions pertaining to this subject.
- Each patient should read and review the passage regarding Advance Directives/ Living Will in the context of the Informed Consent (Operative Consent).
- If an emergency transfer did occur, all chart information would be sent with the patient to the hospital, including the patient's information regarding Advance Directives/ Living Wills.
What is the policy on Patient Complaints ?
The Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery provides for and welcomes the expression of complaints/grievances and suggestions by the patient and the patient's family at all times. This feedback allows the center to understand and improve the patient's care and environment.
Every patient has the right to file a complaint or grievance to the facility's Administrator. In the absence of the Administrator, the Medical Director will address the complaint/grievance.
All grievances will be investigated upon receipt of such complaints.
The grievance should be provided either verbally, by telephone (860-346-2267), or in writing to the facility's Administrator at 510 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457. The grievance will be documented in the form of a variance. Any allegations of neglect and/or verbal, mental, sexual or physical abuse will be reported immediately to the Board of Directors. Substantiated allegations will be reported to the state or local authority.
If the patient is still not satisfied, complaints may be made to the Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery Administrator in writing, stating the specific incident(s) in terms of subject, date, and other relevant matters. These complaints may be mailed to MCAOS Administrator, Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery, 510 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457. All complaints will be responded to within a two-week period.
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery, also seeks to comply with the federal and state laws relating to non-discrimination, civil rights, and equal employment opportunities. All persons receiving services and employees of this organization are entitled to courteous, dignified, and equal treatment by right as well as by law.
Suspected discrimination relating to race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, religious creed, or any other factor should be reported promptly.
Unresolved complaints can further be reported to the state and federal agencies:
· Complaint / Compliance Unit
· Division of Health Systems Regulation
· Connecticut Department of Public Health
· 410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12HSR
· Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Complaints can be received by phone at the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Division of Health Systems Regulation by calling (860) 509-7400.
Complaints to the Federal Health and Human Services Department, Office of the Secretary may be made in writing to the following address:
· US Department of Health and Human Services
· Office of the Secretary
· 200 Independence Ave S.W.
· Washington, DC 20201
Additional information is available at www.cms.hhs.gav/center/ ambdsman.asp.
What if I have a problem after I leave the surgery center?
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedics is not open in the evening, holidays or weekends. Our normal business hours are 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. If your situation is an emergency please call 911 or report to the closest emergency facility. If you have a question regarding your pain medication or your surgery please call your surgeon at his office.
What is an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC)?
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) are facilities where surgeries that do not require a hospital inpatient admission are performed. They provide a safe, cost-effective, caring and convenient environment that is less stressful than a large hospital environment.
How do I know if my insurance company will cover my surgery?
Please check with your insurance carrier to review your benefits. If you need assistance with this, the surgical center billing department will be happy to help you. Please give us a call at 860 -346-2267 for questions.
What time is my surgery?
Please call the Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery at 860-346-2267, between 2 pm – 4:30 pm the day before your surgery to find out what time you need to arrive at the center.
For Monday surgery, please call between 2 pm - 4:30 pm on the Friday before your surgery. Typically we will ask you to arrive 90 minutes prior to your surgery time. We are closed on the weekend.
If you will be having anesthesia please remember not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery and nothing in the morning the day of your surgery.
What is Anesthesia?
Anesthesia is the medicine that puts you to sleep and keeps you pain free throughout your procedure. There are different types of anesthesia, local, local with sedation (twilight sleep), regional block and general anesthesia. Local Anesthesia is a numbing medicine that is applied only to the area of your body where you are having a procedure. Local with sedation is a twilight sleep so that you are comfortable but able to communicate. Regional Block is special numbing medicine that will render your extremity pain free for 12- 24 hours. This technique will be an option during shoulder surgery and major knee surgery (ACL). We will give you special instructions to follow at home until the block wears off. General Anesthesia puts you completely asleep during your procedure. With all types of anesthesia you will not feel any pain. Some medications take a while to wear off so you may be sleepy in the Recovery Room. Our nursing staff will care for you until you are completely awake and alert.
What medications and medical conditions should I notify my physician about?
Please alert your surgeon if you are taking any heart medications, blood pressure medications, blood thinners (including aspirin and aspirin-like products like ibuprofen), diet pills, herbal supplements or diabetes medications . These medications will need to be stopped prior to your surgical procedure. Your surgeon or your primary care physician will give you specific instructions concerning these types of medications.
In addition, please contact us if you have any of the following apply to you:
•Latex allergy or latex sensitivity
•Diabetes •Heart conditions
•Kidney or liver failure
•If you have been feeling ill near your surgery date, (fever, cough, or other concerns)
What does NPO mean?
NPO stands for "nothing by mouth". This includes water, gum (gum increases natural saliva production), hard candy, food or drink. We may request that you take your daily medications the morning of surgery with a small sip of water. Our nurses will give you specific information concerning this.
Why is it important not to eat or drink anything before surgery?
There are good and simple reasons why you are asked not to eat or drink prior to having a surgical procedure. The most important reason is related to your anesthesia care. When you are sedated by the anesthesiologist for a procedure you are relaxed to a point that you don’t have your protective reflexes working as they do when you are awake. So, if you had food or fluid in your stomach you are at a higher risk for vomiting during your procedure. When you are sedated, your protective gag reflex doesn’t work as it would when you are awake. This could allow you to inhale your vomit into your lungs causing pneumonia and/or difficulty in breathing. This is considered a serious complication and can compromise your recovery.
What medications should I take the morning of surgery?
When you speak to on of our RN's during your Pre operative call please let them know what medications you are taking and when you typically take them. Our staff will consult with the Anesthesiologist and inform you of what medications to take and what medications to hold. If, as instructed, you need to take one of your medications the morning of surgery, please take them with a very small sip of water.
What should I wear the day of my procedure?
Please wear loose, simple, comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes. Leave all valuables and jewelry at home. Please keep in mind what surgical procedure you are having done, and wear the appropriate clothes. For example, for shoulder surgeries, loose button-up shirts are best, for leg surgeries, loose shorts or pants are recommended. Please remember that your clothing should be able to accomodate a bandage, cast or other type of dressing.
What should I bring the day of surgery?
Please bring your list of medications, including the dosages. Also include a list of any supplements, herbal preparations and vitamins that you take. Please bring any paperwork given to you by your surgeon. Please bring a drivers license or picture ID, insurance cards and any applicable co-payments. Please leave all jewelry and valuables at home (including rings, watches, necklaces, earrings, and money). While we do our best to safeguard your belongings, they are best secured at home.
How do I get directions to Middlesex Center for Orthopedic Surgery?
On our website is an interactive Map Quest. All you need to do is click on directions and put in your address. Your directions will be in a printable format. As you enter the medical complex from Saybrook Road, turn left into the first drive. Our building is the second building on the right. Our address is: 510 Saybrook Road Middletown, CT 06457 860 346-2267
Why are cuts and abrasions around my surgical site important?
If there is a break in the skin around your surgical site, the chance of infection is increased. If you notice any break in the skin anywhere close to the surgical site, please notify your surgeon or your nurse during the admission process.
Are there any specific guidelines for pediatric patients (anyone under age 18)?
Yes! Please contact your physician for NPO status (what they can eat or drink pre-surgery) for your child . A parent or legal guardian must be present at our facility while the patient is in surgery and recovery, so please plan accordingly. Your child will most likely have an Intravenous in place when they wake up from their procedure, which will be removed after they are taking fluids. You will be able to stay with your child in the Pre operative are and in the Recovery Room.
What happens after surgery?
After your surgery you will be taken to a Recovery Room where our RN's will care for you. The nurse will check on you often and take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature and give you any pain medications that are ordered by your surgeon. You may feel chilly or cold after surgery so please let your nurse know and we will give you a warmed blanket. Your surgeon will visit you in the Recovery Room after your procedure. When you are feeling more awake our nurses will give you nourishment prior to your discharge.
Will my family be able to visit me immediately after my procedure?
Due to the need for privacy, we suggest that a limit of one or two family members visit the patient during the postoperative phase. We are happy to give family members waiting in reception periodic updates on the patient’s condition.
What can I do to minimize pain after surgery?
If you are having a surgical procedure, you may experience normal pain afterwards. To minimize pain after an orthopedic procedure, ice and elevation of the affected extremity will help minimize swelling, reducing pain. Stay on top of your pain by taking the pain medication when you first become aware of pain sensations. Remember, always eat before taking pain medications to avoid nausea.
Do I need someone to drive me home and stay with me after my procedure?
Yes, you will need to have an adult take you home after any procedure requiring sedation or anesthesia. This is for your safety. Patients cannot drive for 24 hours after having sedation or anesthesia. This policy is for your safety, and is strictly enforced. You may not take a taxi home, unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
If your procedure involed anesthesia you are required to have a responsible adult be with you for the first 24 hours following your surgery. Our nurses will review this with you during the Pre Operative call.
What information will I be taking home after surgery?
You will be given a copy of your discharge instructions that will instruct you on your post procedure care. You will be given prescriptions for your pain medication or any other medication your Surgeon orders.
We will provide you with a short survey to evaluate your care at Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedics. We will provide a stamped envelope for you to return the completed survey to us. It is important to be honest about your experience at the center. We take your comments seriously and use them as part of our Quality Improvement.
*Please note that the Patient Satisfaction Survey questions relate to your experience at MCAOS and not your surgeons' office.
Will someone contact me after my surgery?
MCAOS will be calling you the day after your surgery including Saturdays to find out how you are feeling. Please make sure that we have the correct phone number of where you are recovering so that we can reach you. If you do not get a phone call or if we leave a message please call us at 860-346-2267 when you are able so that we can make sure your recovery at home is going well.
Where do I park?
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedics has parking adjacent to the center. There are many handicap spaces available as well.
What if I am feeling ill the night before or morning of my surgery?
Please contact your surgeons office to alert them of your condition. If possible please call the center and let us know you are ill @ 860 346-2267.
What if I do not know what time my surgery is and I am unable to reach the surgery center after hours?
Our Center hours are 6 am until 5 pm. If you call the main number (860) 346-2267 and reach the answering service please call our Assessment Center at (860) 740-7540 and leave a message. One of the Nurses will return you call by 5 pm. If it is after 5 pm make sure you have nothing to eat or drink after midnight and call us on the morning of surgery. Our receptionist is here by 5:30 am. (860) 346-2267.
What are your Patient Rights?
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery you have the right to:
What are Patient Responsibilities?
What is the policy on Advanced Directives/ Living Wills ?
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery does not recognize Advance Directives/ Living Wills for use in this setting and will use all measures possible to sustain life.
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery will accept but not honor Living Wills, Advanced Directives, and Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare documents or Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders. For clarification purposes, these are defined as "written instructions, recognized under state law, relating to the provision of healthcare when the individual is incapacitated." (Federal Register, Friday, March 6, 1992).
State statute allows all adult patients to make decisions concerning their medical care. While hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies and hospice care programs are required to furnish information to each adult patient as to their individual rights under state law to make such decisions, the Surgery Center, as specified in OBRA 90, is not obliged to do so. The purpose of an Ambulatory Surgery Center is to enhance the quality of a person's life. If necessary, the facility will attempt to resuscitate a patient in distress. If a patient required post operative admission to a hospital the Advanced Directive, Living Will or DNR order would accompany the patient.
For complete information and forms on Advanced Medical Directives for the State of Connecticut, go to: www.larcc.org/pamphlets/elderiy/living_wills.htm and www.ct.gov/ag/cwp/browse.asp
Who owns Middlesex Center for Advance Orthopedic Surgery?
Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery is owned and operated by Middlesex Hospital ( 50%) and Orthos Holding Company , LLC (50%)
Orthos Holding Company is owned by:
Abedola Adeleke, DPM
Jeffrey Bash, MD
Lawrence Berson, MD
David Hergan, MD
Alfred Hicks, DO
Michael Kuhn, MD
Thomas Larson, MD
Mark Lorenze, MD
Steven Luster, MD
Ryan Naujoks, MD
Sean O'Donnell, MD
Terry Reardon, MD
Joseph Sohn, MD
James Walsh, MD
Martin White, MD
"I was well cared for and felt safe! Many thanks."
No Surprise Billing
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Middlesex Center for Advanced Orthopedic Surgery is re- accredited!
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MCAOS Receives Three Year Accreditation from Ambulatory Accreditation Association for Health Care
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